Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Man Said to the Universe

Of all the poems that we have read this semester, my most favorite is “A Man Said to the Universe.” This poem is my favorite because it is short, sweet, to the point, and it doesn’t have any metaphors or symbols where I would have to read between the lines just to get the meaning of the poem. The poem talks about a man tell the universe that “I exist” and the universe says in response “that fact has not created in me a sense of obligation.” In essence the universe is saying just because you exit, that has nothing to do with me. I don’t owe you anything. But in the universes defense, the man said it as if the universe was supposed to do something since he existed. Also while reading this I get the vibe that the universe is saying what he said with an attitude while laughing witch any person would do when a person is before them as if they are owed something. They would have to work for what ever they want just like everyone else. On the other hand the man could not have wanted any thing. What if the man wanted to let the universe know that he was there?

Good Country People

Although this story has a full meaning be think it is funny. In this story, Joy the main character has too many problems that she let control her life. In the story Joy has a heart condition, wooden leg, and she is personal issues. Joy also has a PhD and she thinks she is so much better than everyone. Another one of her problems is her physical problems. She has a heart conditions and her wooden leg that she has been hiding behind all her like. Because of this she doesn’t have friends or a boyfriend and has never had any. Also with the lack just life experience which leads to her down fall. All of this leads to her down fall because the falls for him to quick. She falls for a con-man that tells her he loves her and because she doesn’t have any life experience she fall for the game that he gives to her and by the end of the story Joy is left blind with one leg in a born with no one knowing that she was there. I finally behind this funny story, the meaning of this story is to just live your life and let what ever happen and not let control you life, because when you let it control your life, you loose your life.

A Small, Good Thing

The story of A Small, Good Thing is just a sad story of a boy loosing his life to a hit a run. The little boy’s name was Scotty and on the day of his birthday the incident happened. The car that hit him stopped but when they seen the little boy get up, they just drove off. In stead of going to school he went home where he fell into a coma. While in the hospital no one find what was wrong with the child. The doctors ran all kinds of test and couldn’t find any thing. Everyone kept saying he was fine, this was normal until he was in the coma a little too long. When the little boy is in the hospital, although it was a unhappy situations it brought the to parents closer together ever that before. Maybe that was the small good thing. Even though this is a sad story, I still like it because it isn’t the typical story that has a problem and then works it self out. Unlike those stories, this story doesn’t end well. At the end of the story, Scotty had die due to an unfamiliar sickness that was very uncommon.

Babylon Revisited

One of my most favorite stories that I have is Babylon Revisited. The whole story is about a recovering alcohol trying to get his life back together after losing everything. He lost his daughter to his in-laws, his wife died because she had pneumonia, and he lost his job because the economy wasn’t doing well. I like this story because here is a man who comes back after seven years and tries to get his daughter back. Over the past several years he has been getting his life back together. The last piece of the puzzle that he is missing is his daughter. When he finally returns he has to deal with a few things. He first has to deal with his in-laws who are keeping his daughter. The in-law are skeptical about him which they have a right to be feeling that way because he has been missing for several years and then he just shows up. One of the reasons that the in-laws are skeptical is because of his alcoholism and even though he says that he is only down to one drink a day, they still aren’t sure. He is even willing to wait six month to get his daughter to show his in-laws that he really has changed. In the end he didn’t get his daughter but he is unwilling to give up.One of my most favorite stories that I have is Babylon Revisited. The whole story is about a recovering alcohol trying to get his life back together after losing everything. He lost his daughter to his in-laws, his wife died because she had pneumonia, and he lost his job because the economy wasn’t doing well. I like this story because here is a man who comes back after seven years and tries to get his daughter back. Over the past several years he has been getting his life back together. The last piece of the puzzle that he is missing is his daughter. When he finally returns he has to deal with a few things. He first has to deal with his in-laws who are keeping his daughter. The in-law are skeptical about him which they have a right to be feeling that way because he has been missing for several years and then he just shows up. One of the reasons that the in-laws are skeptical is because of his alcoholism and even though he says that he is only down to one drink a day, they still aren’t sure. He is even willing to wait six month to get his daughter to show his in-laws that he really has changed. In the end he didn’t get his daughter but he is unwilling to give up.