Thursday, April 15, 2010

Big Hearts never forget (Blog #6)

In the story “Big Two Hearted River” Nick is faced with the issue of coming home from war. Once he arrives, he finds the town burnt to the ground. Being as he knew nothing of the fire, it was as if he was returning to the war and such destroyed his town. The next task that Nick is tasked with is starting over. For him, this is something that has been long awaited. The freedom from not only war but the Army in general. He now has the choice to do things that he wants to do and make choices for himself such has hiking and fishing. During his time of relaxation he remembers his friend, Hopkins, who is one of his good friends he has lost. The blackened grasshoppers though are what represent Nick and other soldiers. Long after the fire the grasshopper still bare the scar, much like soldiers when battle is over. This story represents all people who have been through tough times, they must find a new way to overcome what has held them back and find happiness. Nick finds his happiness in fishing because for the most part it gets his mind off of the past. As for the problems that one has put aside, one must face them one day in order to truly be over it. Much like the swamp for Nick.


  1. I actually agree with Sweetdon. I think that because of the situation that knick was in he handled it the best way that he could. He went fishing. Fishing for Nick is very relaxing for him and it takes his mind of all of his problems. I liked how Sweetdon pointed out the black grass hopper represents Nick and his fellow battle buddies and how just like the grass hopper is still black after the fire, nick and his fellow battle buddies will be scared with the wounds from the war. Another one is when Sweetdon pointed out how fishing allows Nick to forget about his problems but eventually he hast to face them.

  2. I really like Sweeton's view on this story, especially the symbolism that he was able to pick up on. If at first you just read the story you wont really see a point or anything. You have to look much deeper into the story and figure out the sorts of symbolism that could be used. Nick seems to be happy just knowing that he is not at war anymore and also because he is getting the chance to start completely over. He now appreciates and enjoys the little things in life. The only thing lacking in this story was a good ending. The reader never knows what ends up happening to Nick.
