Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Emily Dickinson 49

The poem by Emily Dickinson, poem number 49 seems to describe someone in need of something. For instance, the first stanza in the poem says "I never lost as much but twice" in my opinion what I think the writer is trying to say is that Ive never been this poor, in need, but twice in her life. Another example, she mentions how twice she had stood a beggar as well. I took a closer notice how she mentions twice frequently just to point out the amount of number whatever the case might be. She then continues and starts saying how angels decend and reimbursed her store. In other words to me, i see this as blessings. But then suddenly she appears to blame God for the blessings she has lost. I see this as a give and take away situation. Perhaps her store was full of "blessings" such as food, riches and such and sometimes we just dont know how to appreciate what we have and thats why it is taken away. Eventually we try to blame it on someone else. In this case i think she blames her loses on God. Yet she remains begging for help because she knows God is her true source of life.


  1. I think Leslie did a great job with her interpretation of poem "49". I belive that Dickinson's main point in this poem is to show that things can be taken away and things can also be given back. God is constantly putting people in these situations and in this poem she is trying to deal with that. The "store" in line six may not exactly be a store that she is talking about. She could be talking about herself. For example she could have lost someone close to her and so she has lost all happiness. But God will always be there to restore and refresh her.

  2. I think that Leslie did a very good job as well on poem "49". Everyone knows that god works in mysterious ways and he constantly puts people in situations so and when they pass the test he returns a blessing. I believe her store was her blessing but she didnt appreciate what god had given her. However, she realizes that this a test from and she must pass.

  3. Leslie did a good job in telling the poem off. She includes words from the text and talks about them so distinctly. She is right definitely she (Emily Dickinson) is in the need of something that may be to complex to ever receive from any individual. In that regard maybe she blames God for her lack of belief in her self and other and failure to do that has taken her to the point she is no longer sain.
