Sunday, January 24, 2010

Emily Dickinson as a Person

Obviously I do not actually know Emily Dickinson, not very many people alive do. I see that people seem to question Dickinson's faith in some of her poems. Her poem such as "249" discusses wild nights. Some see it as her risque nights at home with her lover. I do not see it as that. I honestly see it as an intimate night praying a loving God. I would not think that had Dickinson not capitalized "thee" in line 12. Had she not done that I would believe that she was referring to a lover, but since she capitalizes "thee" it makes me think she is talking about something greater than herself.
Now with that said, some people don't understand how that matches up with God. God calls for Christians to seek a relationship with Him. In most relationships have intimacy. Correct? So God is no different. It is a way to show one's love for Him. It is the same case here. I feel that she is strengthening her relationship with God. Honestly I don't think that anyone can tell me other wise. That's my opinion and I'm gonna stick to it.


  1. That is a great opinion about who Dickinson is talking to. In that poem, she seems to be very close to this person that she wishes that she was with. It seems it's a very personal account and parallels the concept she gives about worshiping God in her own way. The thing that strikes me the most in your opinion is the last line where she says, "In Thee!" Why would she capitalize "Thee" if it might not have been towards a divine notion.You gave a great opinion.

  2. Great job Vick, I was honestly going with the crowd on my account of the poem at hand but you have shed new light on it. With Dickinson, she was a type of odd woman when viewed by others,a hellian, if you will. Her writing was before its time so therefore it has drawn in more critics. Although, as we all know, poems are like a piece of abstract art, everyone sees what they see and no one or no thing can dictate what the mind views. Honestly I would have never taken into account God as the one she spoke of but, I guess individuals upbringing also helps play a role in understanding these things.

  3. Great job Mr. Vick. I do not personally know Dickinson either, but I agree with the things you wrote about. Dickinson is a person of faith, as seen in many of her writings. I also agree that she wrote about the things that affected her life. Love, death and religion were a few of her amin topics. Vick your opinion is great and your entire blog deserves two thumbs up.

  4. I also agree with Vick, i think he did a great job interpreting the poem. Other perhaps might have turned it into something negative thought but i believe is might have been a person of faith as well. In many of her writings we see some religious aspect come into play. I also believe the things she wrote about affected her life as well.And God is definetly one of them that she writes about.
