Wednesday, January 20, 2010

sucess is counted sweetest

The common of idea of this poem is that not having increaases our appreciation or enjoyment of what we lack. The person that doesn't have much understand that lacking is better than the person that possesses it. Dickinson shows in this poem that the loser knows the true definition about of victory better than the winners. One of the words that stuck out to me the most was the word "purple" because it color was used for royalty. The robes of kings and queens were dyed purple and it also the color blood. The last stanza explains how the dying man ears are forbidden to sounds of the triumph because his side has lost the battle. however, the implication is that he has won because he paid the highest price in death.


  1. My interpretation of this Dickinson's poem "67" is exactly the same. Siran did a great job with this one! I understand exactly what Dickinson is talking about in this poem when I think about softball. When we played very good division 1 schools this fall they didn't find beating us a very big deal. It meant nothing to them, just another win. But the time we beat our first division 1 team we were ecstatic and we will remember it forever. I like how Siran pointed out the color purple and the man in the end. Many feel as if it is an honor to die for their country or a cause that is important to them. The man in the last few lines is doing that and is proud eventhough he is not going to win this battle physically.

  2. The poem isn't necessarily about someone gaining something that they lack, for if that were the case, the poem would be about "everyone". More so, the poem is about the typical "losers" appreciation for a win; something they don't usually attain. it is about how they, the "losers", can appreciate a win more than the typical "winners". The winner cannot appreciate a win to the extent of a loser because of the fact that the winner has forgotten what it feels like to lose. If you haven't lost in a while, a win is second nature to the winner, like taking a breath; he doesn't even think about it.

  3. The poem is really talking about how those who have little or not as much as others value success at a much higher rate being that they rarely get or receive it.For those who do receive it might at times become dis appreciative and take it lightly. Winning is on everyone's agenda for it allows us to see ourselves and recognize our strength and weaknesses that we have, we all want to be needed and contribute something to today's society.
