Thursday, January 21, 2010

Failure Comes Before Success (Blog Post1 Aauzsa Mack)

Emily Dickson wrote series of poems just like the many famous poets before her. Upon using different rhyme schemes, her writings are interpreted in many different ways. One of the poems, poem number 67, really grabbed me because of the first two lines in the first stanza “success is counted sweetest by those who ne’er succeed.” Those words alone express a lot of meaning and can be defined in many different ways, but the way I perceive it is that in order to feel the sweetness of success you must have failed at least one point and time in your life. How would it feel to be successful all the time? You would not know how to be thankful that you are succeeding if you have never felt the bitterness of failure. Towards the end of the poem she describes the feeling of the losing side. She used the words defeated, dying, and agonized to describe the scene of the individual that’s watching the opposing team triumph. When you see those three words, defeated, dying, and agonized, there is nothing bright or cheerful about them. Those are words that hurt, words that will put a dent in your pride, words that will either boost you up enough to want to be successful or that will lower your self-esteem even more it is all in the way of how you take it.


  1. this is a great blog post because in this poem mack points out the main reason i believe the poem was wrote. In order to achieve success the person have failed as least once or many time in their lives. I believe a lost describes what type of person your are. It will either determine that you would fall over and give up or you will rise and become successful.

  2. I agree fully with what Ms. Mack says and also what Dickinson says in poem number 67. I know that all have failed and will fail within one point in their life and that the failures that we reach in our life we learn from them. And it is how we react to the failures and disappointments in our life that make us stronger. Some choose to quit and never succeed and on their death beds regret never tyring. But those who keep on pushing through to the end will always get what they wanted, it just may not always be the way we had initially planned.
