Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Welcome to the ENG 252 03 blog!

Posting guidelines:

You may leave a blog post on any of the readings that we’ve read for that week. Blogs are due on Fridays for MWF classes and Thursdays for TTh classes, and comments for each blog will be due on the following Wednesday for MWF classes and the following Tuesday for TTh classes. Each blog post should be at least 200 words, and each comment should be at least 100 words (excluding quotes, if any). If you wish to write more than the minimum, you may certainly do so.


9-10 points

· Minimum posting requirements met and at times exceeded

· Contributions are timely

· Evidence of active engagement with assigned texts and classmates’ postings

· Ideas are fully developed

· Postings suggest strong awareness of the larger conversation taking place on the blog

8 points

· Minimum posting requirements met

· Contributions are timely, with only an occasional late arrival

· Evidence of active engagement with assigned texts and classmates’ postings

· Ideas are sufficiently developed

· Postings suggest sufficient awareness of the larger conversation taking place on the blog

7 points

· Minimum posting requirements not consistently met

· Contributions are not timely

· Insufficient engagement with assigned texts and classmates’ postings

· Claims are not sufficiently developed

· Postings suggest limited awareness of the larger conversation taking place on the blog

Below 6 points

· Minimum posting requirements not met

· Contributions are not timely

· Little engagement with assigned texts and classmates’ postings

· Claims are not developed

· Postings suggest unawareness of the larger conversation taking place on the blog

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