Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Robert Frost

Robert Frost’s poem the “Mending Wall” has been a very significant poem that has been produced in the 19th century. The poem is a very realistic work because it describes two neighbors and what they go through after each winter, having to rebuild the wall that separates their two properties. The poem ultimately questions why the fence is needed. The speaker describes the wall as unnecessary but he initiates the repair of the rock wall. And his neighbor desires the wall saying that “Good fences make good neighbors.” From what I could see in this work is that the wall is a metaphor within the poem that shows the separation of humans. It tells us that humans and all people want to connect but they cannot because of the walls and barriers within their lives. I believe this is what Frost was trying to portray to the reader when he says that “Good fences make good neighbors.” Another part that is shown here is that the neighbors maintain their relationships through the attention of the walls that are in between them. This is an excellent description of the people that we live around in our home neighborhoods. Most people have their fences up so that they do not have to deal with the neighbor to their left or right and see what they do in their yards. The fences are a way of showing the increased distance that has been increased from family to family. I do not believe that when Frost wrote this poem he would have thought that it would be describing people in the 21st century but it is a very accurate picture in our world.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. (Aauzsa Mack) I agree with LeClair because this is how the world was set up back in the 19th century and is similar to how the world is today. Humans do like there privacy and would rather not have to deal with their neighbors. This poem can also signify unity in which humans come together when there is a common task at hand. It showed that they wanted to keep each other out but they had to work together in order to keep that barrier up. The barrier in a way bring the people together in a way because they have to come together at the same place and time in order to repair the barrier that keep them apart.

  3. I agree with Mr. LeClair. This poem accurately describes how the world is and how it will always be. Every person is different and has their own beliefs which sometimes leads to arguments and fights. If we find a person who is very similar to us for example we tend to try and talk to the person in order to build a relationship. We know already that there will be something about this person that we do not like but as we talk more and more with the person we learn more things and tend to ignore the differences. So it is true that "Good fences make good neighbors".
