Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Blog 3- Which road should I take?

In Robert Frost's, The Road Not Taken, the speaker stands at the fork of a road. He does not tell where he is going, making the poem somewhat of a mystery. He looks down one road. That road is obviously the path that most people take. It is bright, has a smooth green path and seems to lead to no danger. The second road is the path that is least taken. This road is dark and ominous and the speaker wonders if he would ever come back leading the reader to believe this path will most likely lead to danger. The speaker wishes he could be the traveler of both paths, but knows he must chose one. The speaker makes the choice to take the path less taken and I assume he is a man that enjoys thrills and excitement. He knows he may not make it out of the path alive, but what is a life without risks.

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