Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Road Not Taken

One of the pomes that we had to read, and I like the most was The Road Not Taken. It about a man on a journey through life and he comes to a fork in a road and he eventually makes a chose of choosing the road that was least taken and him being not happy about his decision. Another reason why I like this poem is because the speaker is anonymous and he could be any one of us. What gives clues that the speaker isn’t happy about his decision is that in the poem stanza four, line one the speaker says “I shall be telling this with a sigh”, now any story that is a happy story is not going to be told sadly. In the poem the speaker is very detailed. When the speaker speaks about the scenery he uses words and phrases such as grassy, wanted wear, worn, and in leaves no step had trodden black. Another reason why this poem is so interesting is because it is a allegory poem. This poem coveys a message of how when we come to a fork in a road in this journey called life and we have to make a decision once we make it that is it, we now must live with the consequences, what ever that might be.


  1. This was definitely my favorite poem by Robert Frost. He is telling you to stand up for something that you believe in. He took the path less traveled by which could be many different things. It could mean that he was honest or truthful about something or it could even mean that he had an idea that he really believed in or thought it was right so he chose to be a leader instead of just following what everyone else seems to be doing. He is trying to convey a message and give a meaning to the reader with this poem. He doesn't want them to just follow the crowd but to be different.

  2. This was a very interesting poem by Robert Frost and it definitely has a huge meaning for our life. Everyday we have choices and we must decide between them. If we decide for example to break the rules we must be ready to face the consequences but on the other hand if we decide to follow protocol we can be happy with ourselves that we did something good. Our entire life is based on making choices and which ones we pick. Sometimes we pick bad choices and sometimes make good choices. That is why life is so interesting because when we choose to do something there will always be a response. This response can be good or bad.

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  4. Robert Frost poem the road not taken is a poem anyone can relate to.It's all about making a decision an trying to balance which decision will benefit you later on in life. People make these decisions everyday some not even realizing it. The reader is given a message that you should take the time to weigh your options. Readers should consider future decision making and the outcome that follows them.

    Ahhhhh Mr. Sino has made a very good point about Frost’s poem. He points out that the poem “conveys” out a message of how when we are living life we are confronted with decisions. Whether we make the right or the wrong decision is completely on us, but Frost is just pointing out how he made on of the most important decisions in his life. He was describing it so that we felt as if we were there. He went into depth to say what the grass looked like and how he was feeling using metaphors. Mr. Sino also stated that the decisions we make may or may not have consequences but that would be completely on us whether it does or not.
