Thursday, March 25, 2010

"I Thank You God"

This poem, "I Thank You God" by E.E. Cummings is a very strong and religious poem. To me when I first read it I thought of the Psalms. It seems more like a prayer of praise that is written for the glory of God rather than man. In the first stanza, he is thanking God for the day and for the wonderful creation that he has made. Which includes the trees, sky, and everything that is natural. So what I view from this stanza is that the words that Cummings put down are more of his praises to his Lord. In the second Stanza, Cummings is saying that he has died and has been made alive again and that it is the sun's birthday and the birthday of life. I believe this could mean that he is thanking God for a new day of creation and for a new day that he has been given to enjoy the great earth. Also I believe that this setting would be in the morning because he is talking of the rebirth of the sun, which either means the beginning of the week or early morning when the sun rises. This last stanza in the poem I am a little unsure on the meaning or what the writer is trying to portray. He says "human merely being doubt unimaginable You?" From the capitilized 'Y' in You, I understand that Cummings is writing about God and he is asking humans why we question or doubt God himself. He states after this that his eyes and ears are opened. I do not believe that he was blind physically but he may have been blind spiritually and he had a revelation from God and now he understands what God is telling him to do. This was a very strong poem to me, and even if no one read Cumming's bibliography I believe they could concur that he was a Christian in some form or another from this writing. I really enjoyed this poem because it relates a whole lot to a praise to God, and it gives me the picture of King David and his writing of the Psalms that are in the Old Testament.

I also believe this poem is how we should live our lives everyday. We should wake up thinking that waking up was a gift from God and the new day is a blessing to us and our lives. We should say "I Thank You God" just like Cummings does in this poem and it should be our prayer for everything in our lives.

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